US Bank - Microsite 2013

Role: Interaction and Visual Designer
Design Challenge:
US Bank wanted to create an Interactive mobile experience for US Bank products and services for its customers. It was mainly for the end users, who are active in mobile devices and required frequent service updates. The client wanted a Responsive Web Design layout approach with look & feel similar to their official website. A team of 8 worked in this project and the product was well acclaimed for its intuitive features.
Awards and Recognition:
US Bank Mobile microsite have won an award in Global Account Planning Summit 2013 for ‘Awesome mobile experience’ among US Bank products and services. It got more than 500 leads from its ‘Contact us’ and ‘Apply’ form in the first few days of release.
Forrester Research provided a very positive review of US Bank's microsite as follows:
US Bank as a leader among our peers in terms of providing customers with a channel to respond to marketing offers, which is regarded as an important first step towards generating revenue from mobile banking. In addition, the research firm singled out the Apply lead form as a "simple, cleanly designed” mechanism to capture interest from prospects.
Landing page & Login:

Side menu & Checking Account:

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