
Type Design

Few typography experiments and posters

Madras Grooves - Typeface

Madras Grooves - Typeface

Madras Grooves is a display text type that comes from the industrial evolution of the 2000's when the modern city (Chennai, India) was born. I wanted to create a typeface of my city that represents this new era concrete jungle of Chennai metropolis. The result is a bold, bumptious typeface with a stolidly calm disposition. This typeface along with a poster was sent to Typoday 2015 and displayed.

Astute - Typeface

Astute - Typeface

This typeface is designed with sharp cutting edge which translates the technology and fast paced growth of IIT Hyderabad since its inception. The typeface is specifically designed for the convocation of batch 2015. The main motive of this typeface is to move out from the traditional way of designing a formal convocation brochure and peep in into a modern visceral appeal and young. The feel of celebration and joy is primarily stiched with this look and feel.

Convocation invite.jpg